Organization accounts are a way to group the team members and apps that belong to an organization. By default, any app created in Seed is under your personal account/namespace. Creating organizations gives you the ability to do the following:

  • Group apps in an organization together
  • Add team members and manage their roles
  • Unify billing across the organization

Let’s get started by looking at how to create an organization.

In your Seed console, you’ll notice a dropdown with your username.

Seed console home

This dropdown will list all the organizations that you have access to and will allow you to create one.

Account dropdown options

Selecting Create an Organization allows you to easily create one by just entering the name of the organization.

Create organization form

Once your organization is created, you can add apps to it.

New organization

All the members of your organization will have access to all the apps in the organization. Next let’s look at adding team members to your organization.