Common Serverless Errors
Common Serverless Errors is a compilation of some of the most common Serverless Framework AWS errors and how to fix them. Available as an open source GitHub repo, edits and contributions are welcome!
- Profile does not exist
- Resource already exists
- No export named found
- Property cannot be empty
- Stack with id does not exist
- Serverless plugin not found
- Code storage limit exceeded
- You are not currently logged in
- Your lockfile needs to be updated
- No integration defined for method
- The stack service name is not valid
- Encountered unsupported property
- API: s3:CreateBucket Access Denied
- Function doesn't exist in this service
- Missing "handler" property in function
- Missing required key 'Bucket' in params
- Stack is in state and can not be updated
- A version for this Lambda function exists
- Missing required key 'restApiId' in params
- Invalid characters in environment variable
- Unzipped size must be smaller than bytes
- Export with name is already exported by stack
- Service files not changed. Skipping deployment.
- Export resource cannot be deleted as it is in use
- The serverless deployment bucket does not exist
- iamRoleStatements should be an array of objects
- The security token included in the request is invalid
- User is not authorized to perform action on resource
- Another Deployment is in progress for rest api with id
- You have attempted to create more buckets than allowed
- Serverless version does not satisfy the frameworkVersion
- No matching handler found. Check your service definition.
- The AWS Access Key Id needs a subscription for the service
- Trying to populate non string value into a string for variable
- Lambda was unable to configure your environment variables
- IamRoleLambdaExecution - Resource must be in ARN format or
- Cannot perform more than one GSI creation or deletion in a single update
- Template format error: Number of resources is greater than maximum allowed
- CloudFormation cannot update a stack when a custom-named resource requires replacing
- Template format error: Unresolved resource dependencies in the Resources block of the template
- The requested resource exceeds the maximum number allowed. (Service: AmazonCloudWatchEvents)
- Property AttributeDefinitions is inconsistent with the KeySchema of the table and the secondary indexes
- Enabling API Gateway X-Ray Tracing for existing deployments requires a remove and re-deploy of your API Gateway
While working on your Serverless app on AWS, you might notice that some of the errors can be really hard to debug. It can either be an obscure AWS error or it might just have a misleading error message.
At Seed, we’ve had a chance to help a lot of our users work through some of these issues. We decided to catalogue the errors and their fixes. We think this will be useful for future reference and something the Serverless community can use.
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